Sprayed By A Skunk
Our dog Charlie came home after being sprayed by a skunk. I tried shampooing with tomato juice and several dog shampoos, but nothing worked! Read more “Sprayed By A Skunk”
Favorite Baseball Cap Sweat-Stained
…Favorite ball cap…the sweat stains still remained. Spraying them with Jingos…the stains were gone! Read more “Favorite Baseball Cap Sweat-Stained”
JINGOS Saved Our Vacation Rentals
JINGOS saved our vacation rentals new white pillow cases and washcloths from mascara and makeup stains! Read more “JINGOS Saved Our Vacation Rentals”
Puppy Business On The Rugs
our puppy had done his “business” on our rugs. We got out the Jingos and …stain gone…odor as well Read more “Puppy Business On The Rugs”
JINGOS Kills Odor From a Dead Mouse
“odor was from a dead mouse…Thankfully, Jingos worked”
Read more “JINGOS Kills Odor From a Dead Mouse”
My Entire House Smelled Like Skunk
What do you do when you dog gets sprayed by a skunk and you let her back in the house not realizing that’s what happened? Jingos to the rescue Read more “My Entire House Smelled Like Skunk”
Use JINGOS! On Blood Stains
I remembered to use Jingos on the several blood stains and WOW!!!!! It took out the blood stains completely. Read more “Use JINGOS! On Blood Stains”
You Cannot Even Tell She Went!
I used it on where my dog urinated on the carpet, and you cannot even tell she went!! Read more “You Cannot Even Tell She Went!”
JINGOS! worked great!
My cat had an accident and we all know there is not getting out cat urine, you just throw the item away, but the accident was on brand new carpet, so that was not an option. Bought the Jingos, used it as prescribed on the bottle, and it worked like a charm! Read more “JINGOS! worked great!”
Rescued Dogs
I rescue dogs and have a house full. The males mark everything with urine. The seniors have bladder control issues. I have tried every enzyme product I could find, especially the heavy duty products. Nothing works as well as JINGOS. Read more “Rescued Dogs”
Cleaning my tupperwear after storing leftover spaghetti sauce you usually have a nice stain from the sauce left behind. You either try to clean the tupperwear or end up trashing it. But not this time! Read more “JINGOS! AWESOME!! ;0}”
Just Works
Our dog was sprayed by a skunk and made it to the couch before we could catch her. I ordered some Jingos, just to see if the reviews were true. Well, color me convinced. Read more “Just Works”
Get the gallon jug
Go ahead and save yourself some time and go all in for the gallon jug. Once I saw how well it eliminates odors on EVERYTHING, I started spraying it everywhere. Read more “Get the gallon jug”
Disabled white long-haired Pekingese Dog
I have tried it out for a few months and am very impressed – especially with the fact that it is such a safe and gentle yet very POWERFUL odor eliminator. Read more “Disabled white long-haired Pekingese Dog”
Until there’s bladder leakage diapers for dogs JINGOS is what my mom uses!
This JINGOS! stuff she bought seems to make her really happy because she doesn’t yell at me anymore. She just grabs the bottle, wipes up my piddle, sprays the spot & lets it do the work of eliminating my odors. Read more “Until there’s bladder leakage diapers for dogs JINGOS is what my mom uses!”

Great on everything. BUT Not Diesel Fuel.. Not sure about skunk..
Skunk? Diesel fuel.. thats hard to get rid of….
Grandpuppies who found dead skunk
Jingos worked! It also works well in the bathroom where certain members of the household have poor aim. Read more “Grandpuppies who found dead skunk”
Our dog was sprayed by a skunk
The smelled lingered, even after bathing and washing the couch cushions. I ordered some Jingos, just to see if the reviews were true. Well, color me convinced. Read more “Our dog was sprayed by a skunk”
Our dog Charlie came home after being sprayed by a skunk
I tried shampooing with tomato juice and several dog shampoos, but nothing worked. I sprayed him with a new product called ‘JINGOS’ and the odor disappeared immediately. Read more “Our dog Charlie came home after being sprayed by a skunk”
What do you do when you dog gets sprayed by a skunk
My entire house smelled like skunk and that smell just lingered. I sprayed Jingos throughout the house. I made sure to spray the carpeting and furniture too. Jingos was amazing! Read more “What do you do when you dog gets sprayed by a skunk”
My dogs got sprayed by a skunk for the third time
My dogs got sprayed by a skunk for the third time yesterday morning and this time I was prepared. Jingos is a house saver! Read more “My dogs got sprayed by a skunk for the third time”
Canning food went rancid!
I cleaned up the mess the smell was horrible. So I thought of trying jingos and it definitely killed that rancid smell this is a great product! Read more “Canning food went rancid!”
My daughter’s dog must have found a dead fish
I want to give a positive review on a product that surprised me. I knew that Jingos worked on stains, because it had gotten blood out of my son’s shirt, but I would have never thought it would get the fish smell off the dog. Read more “My daughter’s dog must have found a dead fish”
Fish juice spilled in my refrigerator
That means that God says it’s time to clean out the refrigerator! What better way to get rid of the awful smell than to bring out the Jingo’s…and away the odor goes! Read more “Fish juice spilled in my refrigerator”
Funky smell in the cabinet
I cleaned it with ordinary cleaner and yet couldn’t get the smell out so I ordered Jingos and when it arrived I immediately used it and the smell was gone! Read more “Funky smell in the cabinet”
Dog and body oil stains
I followed the instructions for pre treating stains. I sprayed both sides of the pillowcases and all of the stains on the sheets except for one – that was my control stain to see if Jingos! really worked. Read more “Dog and body oil stains”
This makes the summer go so much easier!
We have college baseball players who stay with us for 2 months every summer to play summer league ball. Jingos works great on removing grass stains and dirt that is ground in their uniforms. This makes the summer go so much easier! Read more “This makes the summer go so much easier!”
I LOVE JINGOS! I buy it by the gallon
Blood, chocolate milk, printer ink, tomato soup, things I do not know what they were, it all comes out! Read more “I LOVE JINGOS! I buy it by the gallon”
No more ring around the collar
Still, ring around the collar! Not so anymore! Jingos took the stains out on the very first try! Hooray! Read more “No more ring around the collar”
Favorite ball cap
Spraying them with Jingos worked like a champ – stains were gone! Read more “Favorite ball cap”
JINGOS saved our vacation rentals
I was also able to get dried soy sauce out of my husband’s favorite t-shirt! I can’t imagine not having JINGOS! Read more “JINGOS saved our vacation rentals”
Cooking oil stain
It was a huge stain at least an inch by 3 inches! I had no hope but tried it anyway. IT REMOVED IT!! I was stunned. Read more “Cooking oil stain”
Blood, chocolate milk, printer ink, tomato soup, things I do not know what they were, it all comes out! Read more “I LOVE JINGOS!”
Pitbull in a China shop
He is a pitbull in a China shop and knocked over a full tall mug of coffee that was sitting by the fireplace all over said light carpet ..our daughter tried to clean it up with all the normal cleaners, but she did not know I’d recently purchased Jingos I sprayed the Jingos on the stain and literally watched it disappear!!! Read more “Pitbull in a China shop”
Coffee stains on the inside upholstery
Nothing ever came close to completely cleaning the stains out. Until one day while watching PPS report I saw L A plugging it and decided why not give it a shot. Within moments of using Jingos my car was clean as new. Read more “Coffee stains on the inside upholstery”
JINGOS really works!
WOW!!! It took the blood stains out completely. I really love JINGOS! It’s a great product. Read more “JINGOS really works!”
20 year old stain
She took me to a stain that had been on a section of her bedroom carpet for more than 20 years. She’s tried everything on this stain including renting professional carpet cleaning equipment. We sprayed the stain with Jingos and used a scrub brush then we blotted it with a towel. The stain is gone! Read more “20 year old stain”
Dark blue marker on the light blue carpet
My son wasn’t sure what to do. I went to my room and brought out the travel size Jingos. It took two applications but it removed it all. Read more “Dark blue marker on the light blue carpet”
Our irresponsible neighbor cat
Our irresponsible neighbors have an unneutered cat who decided a few weeks ago that he was going to spray our front storm door. Not only that, some got on the mat in front of the door. Sprayed everything down with Jingos and it immediately killed the smell – it was gone. Read more “Our irresponsible neighbor cat”
It’s the best product in taking away cat urine smell
It’s the best product in taking away cat urine smell & stain on our rags. We also spray it on the cat litter box after scooping it & it takes away the smell. Read more “It’s the best product in taking away cat urine smell”
Sport the poodle
Thanks to the Jingos my accidents are quickly cleaned up with no lingering odors and my master Paul is pleased with the results. Read more “Sport the poodle”

Indoor outdoor cat
I have a light tan carpet. Well of course he puked up the green stuff on the carpet. Guess what NO STAIN. ….. Jingos did the trick. I love this stuff. Read more “Indoor outdoor cat”
My cat had an accident
My cat had an accident and we all know there is not getting out cat urine, you just throw the item away, but the accident was on brand new carpet, so that was not an option. Bought the Jingos, used it as prescribed on the bottle, and it worked like a charm! Read more “My cat had an accident”
Cat urine problem in the bathroom
Bought my mom Jingos on your recommendation for a cat urine problem in the bathroom. She said it’s worked better than anything else she’s tried. Read more “Cat urine problem in the bathroom”
Cat urine stains on my light colored carpet
I got Jingos and it took out large and small cat urine stains from my light colored carpet! Gave one of the travel sizes to a coworker to try on his old dog stains. Read more “Cat urine stains on my light colored carpet”
It left no stain!!
After I had applied several squirts and wiped it away with a semi-wet paper towel, I could not tell where the mess had been. It left no stain!! I knew Jingos was great for removing smells (have applied it in my concrete basement when my dog had little accidents) but was really skeptical when it came to removing stains. Read more “It left no stain!!”
Beyond My Expectations
Firstly, buy Jingos! by the Gallon! It goes far, but you’ll be cleaning everything 🙂 My need for Jingos! was for my car. Sure.. the salesman said we can get the cigarette odor, and what ever that other stench was,… Read more “Beyond My Expectations”
This stuff really works
I’ve been using this for about a year now and it works. I now go straight for the Jingos instead of wasting my time even trying another cleaner. It has never stained any carpet or material I have used it… Read more “This stuff really works”
Best Stuff EVER!
We live on a small farm. Four cats (indoor/outdoor), 2 dogs (under 2 years old) horses, chickens…you never know what is going to end up on the carpet! Not only do I use it on “accidents” but to “de-stink” whatever… Read more “Best Stuff EVER!”

Excellent Product – for animals and humans!
Through LA Marzulli’s program, I learned about Jingos! Stain & Odor Remover! I have older, incontinent dogs and human relatives living in my home and often making fecal messes. Trusting LA Marzulli’s recommendation of Jingos!, I ordered the spray product.… Read more “Excellent Product – for animals and humans!”

This Stuff Works!!!
My family and I went on vacation for two weeks and we had my parents and siblings watch our two dogs. During the last week of our vacation our dogs decided to use one room as a toilet. Well when… Read more “This Stuff Works!!!”
I love this Jingos
I have 2 older cats and one has a problem with throwing up in the most inconvenient places, like on my bed or the rug by my bed. I use Jingos to remove any stains or odors. When he misses… Read more “I love this Jingos”
Worked for Me!
I had a grape juice stain on my white lace table runner. It was an old stain which had been there for some time. Jingos took it right out and you can’t even tell there was ever a stain!
Purchased your product based on a referral from L.A. Marzuli
We love your product, I never would of heard of it unless it was for a Youtube channel I watch called L.A. Marzulli, he promotes your product so much that I had to give it a try cause the jingle… Read more “Purchased your product based on a referral from L.A. Marzuli”
A 10 day wait, success!
I cut my right hand, which required 7 stitches. To stem the bleeding, the closest towel was a sage green dish towel. The blood stains on that towel were pretty extensive, and since I couldn’t use my right hand for… Read more “A 10 day wait, success!”
Jingos is the best!!
I was getting ready to rip up my carpet and replace he sub flooring in my house because I tried everything you could possibly imagine to get the pet urine odor out of my house. I spent hours on that… Read more “Jingos is the best!!”
Saw on PPS Report
This stuff works great! It totally removes pet odors. I can’t believe how quickly this works. Awesome cleaning product:)!
Great product for soiled golf caps
Bought the two pack after watching on L A Marzulli’s reports on the internet. Jingos worked great on my soiled (sweat stains) golf caps. Sprayed on Jingos. let sit for a few minutes. Added a little dish soap drops, warm… Read more “Great product for soiled golf caps”
Black Ink out of white carpet
Bought Jingos because its amazing with pet messes. Our puppy found a black ink pen in my office on the floor and promptly chewed it into small pieces leaving a huge ink stain on our white area rug. My wife… Read more “Black Ink out of white carpet”
If You Have Pets, You Need to Buy Jingos!
Ever since I learned about Jingos!, who sponsors L.A. Marzulli’s videos, I use this product in a multitude of applications, but, primarily, for pet stains and odors. I also use Jingos! as degreaser for glass. If you have an older… Read more “If You Have Pets, You Need to Buy Jingos!”
So impressed with Jingos
I would have never even heard of Jingos if not for LA Marzulli. I am so pleased beyond expectations with this product. I had a grease stain that I thought had set in the carpet of my living room. I… Read more “So impressed with Jingos”
Puppy accident
My new puppy had an accident on my bed. The stain soaked through my top blanket, quilt, top sheet, bottom sheet, and mattress pad. I applied Jingos to all layers before laundering. There is absolutely no sign of stain or… Read more “Puppy accident”
This stuff is good
I have two pet skunks and sometimes they don’t make their litter box that really stinks what was jingos there is no problem it takes care of it right away get ready to order some more thank you so much
It works.
Bought Jingos! to have in case our dog got sprayed again by a skunk. We live in the country so we do occasionally have a skunk come around and our dog has not learned to stay away from them. To… Read more “It works.”
The Best! Recommended!
First heard of Jingos on the PP&S Report. Having two cats and one husband made a believer out of me. When I saw how great it worked I recommend it all the time to friends and family. When I first… Read more “The Best! Recommended!”
heard about this product on
heard about this product on LA Marzulli. Works great on Natural Things…Used correctly its great…